
Religious Leaders

Huckabee may be rocker but he's also a religious leader given he is an ordained minister. Does his being such a leader differ much from say an Islamic leader?

Americans always point at Iran representing the anti-freedom and they are ruled by religious leaders. If Huckabee were to be elected I'm not so sure the United States would be any different.

The obvious counter argument to this says: Huckabee won't force his view of religion on the people. Or something similar mitigating the influence of his religion on the nation.

However, isn't that precicely why the religious right likes him? They like him precisely because he's a religious leader and would bring his religion to the government. He may not force it down our throat, but I have a hard time thinking he would say, "Theologically, I'm opposed to gay marriage but legally there is no basis to discriminate in such a way." And you can bet your bottom dollar he wouldn't nominate anyone to the Supreme Court who would not want to overturn Roe v. Wade.

It seems to me there is no real difference between the religious/political leaders of the Middle East and those here in the United States. In every instance such intermingling happens everything is tinted by the religious filter.

You hear many on the right talk about the Declaration of Independence as if it was written by God itself. They like to talk about how it mentions "the creator" and the significance of this because it proves that the founders wanted religion in public life. But at the same time I read it saying that same creator endowed humans with rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness and there is no footnote explaining happiness only counts of you want to marry one of the opposite sex.

I support the freedom of religion but don't think it has a place in public life. When religion enters public life it always leads to the destruction of freedom and liberty every where. It is difficult, if not impossible, to find a religious person who will deny their faith to support the greatest good for all the people of the nation. And with Huckabee he's certainly not going to give up his faith for reason, than man believes the world is only 6,000 years old.

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