
On Conservatives: A Rant.

After years of hearing remark after remark claiming that in war it is unpatriotic to criticize the president, I wonder when Obama is president if those same people will give the same respect to him as they expected of me?

I doubt it. The right is composed of hypocrites like that. Like how they want to ban the burning of a flag, yet buy old those Old Navy Flag T's for the 4th even though he display of those flags is in violation of the Flag Code? I also like how they don't see the problems created when the act of burning the flag with intentions to honor your country is o.k. but the burning of the flag with the intention of disagreement with you country is not o.k.

Conservatism as we know it today is dying. The right as been wielding a lot of influence over the last 30 years and people see that the United States has fallen behind. We may have won the Cold War, but for the most part, our Allies received all the plunder.

I think the plays the loser part better. They are more capable of bitchin' and moanin' than any other organization I have ever known. Always angry at someone or something. It comes at no surprise that there are not any funny conservatives, a la Jon Stewart. They are to angry to be funny, besides humor tends to make you look at things differently and conservatives are not known for being good at that.


Raymond Sebond.



Your hear all the time, from free marketers, that Socialism has failed. Do they forget about Sweden? I seems to me that they're doing a little better than failing.